Designed for writers of any/all levels of experience, this class will combine in-class writing exercises with peer feedback and deep reading to explore the nuts-and-bolts elements of the fiction writing craft. Sarah Combs is the author of YA novels, Breakfast Served Anytime and The Light Fantastic, published by Candlewick Press ...
Of all the genres, horror is the only one that is also an emotion—you can feel horror. It is a genre that creeps-out, grosses-out, and psyches-out, but true lovers will keep coming back for more. Whether you’re writing in the vein of Edgar Allan Poe, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Stephen ...
This workshop class is designed to motivate and inspire writers of kids’ books by exploring plot and craft techniques through discussion, peer-sharing, and writing exercises. Come with a work-in-progress–or at least an idea for one. Enrolled students also receive an invitation to join Marcia in additional kids’ book writing opportunities ...
This class will combine lectures, readings, and critical discussions of student work. While focusing on the short form, novel extracts will also be considered. Each week, students will read a provided contemporary speculative fiction piece for discussion. There will be brief guided writing sessions during class time. A round robin ...
This class invites writers of fiction and nonfiction to lift the curtain between the past and the page to ask, “who’s there?” We’ll discuss different techniques for using archival documents, photos, records, songs, buildings, ephemera, and even memory as a way to discover new pathways for your writing. This class ...
Ghosts reflect to us both the uncanny and the all too familiar. Their terrifying power can be used to hurt or to heal in narrative. Join horror author Elizabeth Kilcoyne in exploring the spirit realm through writing, and visit it with MK Paranormal on October 11! Elizabeth Kilcoyne is a ...
Subtext, the true meaning simmering underneath the surface, adds depth and layers of meaning to our scenes. Often what’s missing in the text is the most important part—the motives, thoughts, emotions, and human truths that resonate with multiple meanings. Using examples from multiple popular works of fiction, we’ll look at ...
Whether you're brainstorming new ideas, getting to know your characters, trying to conjure a scene, or revising, these meditations will help you build a richer, deeper connection to your characters and your stories. No meditation experience necessary! Each class will include two meditations followed by free writing time and an ...
A distinctive trait of much memorable writing is its (and its author’s) “sense of place.” But any “place” is much more than just its geographical location—it is also defined by history and culture, ecology and economics, sociology and ethnography, all of which may have intensely personal, as well as familial ...
With a combination of instruction and take-home assignments, this no-nonsense weekly class will give writers what they need to get started and go write their novel. Learn prewriting strategies, what you need to know about scene writing, character development, effective dialogue, plotting and more. If you plan to Zoom in ...
A character comes to life on the page through well-crafted sensory detail. In this prompt-driven workshop, we will explore how writing about sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell add dimension to your fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. This workshop is open to writers of all levels, in all genres. Participants will ...
Learn writing techniques, hone your craft, and get words on the page for your work-in-progress by joining this lively discussion group focusing on a writing craft book. Classes include discussion of book content, prompts for implementing the book’s techniques, and peer sharing/feedback. Participants will need to buy a copy of ...