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Registration / Cancellation Policy

There are three ways to register for classes and events (when required):

  • Register online to make a credit/debit payment, or to sign up for free classes.
  • Call us at 859-254-4175, ext. 221 to make credit/debit payments, or to sign up for free classes.
  • Stop by the front desk during Carnegie business hours to make credit/debit, check, or cash payments, or to sign up for free classes. 

Normal business hours:
Monday–Thursday: 10:00 AM–7:30 PM
Friday: 11:30 AM–7:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Full payment reserves your space in class. A $20 fee is assessed for returned checks. Purchase orders or intent to pay are not accepted. We accept checks, money orders, cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Registration is required for all classes and for events when noted. If you register in the week leading up to the start of the class, please call the Carnegie Center to confirm that the class is meeting as planned.

For virtual weekend classes, online registration concludes at 5 PM the previous Friday.

Early Learners, Kids, & Teens:

To streamline communication, please only register your student(s) for classes designated for their current grade level, regardless of ability.

Monetary Refund Policy:

If you are interested not in a refund but in an ACCOUNT CREDIT, please skip to the section below covering account credits. This section applies only to monetary refunds. 

All class withdrawals for any reason PRIOR to the first day of class will result in the retention of 15% of the list price of the class plus the standard processing fee applied at initial purchase if made with a credit card. 

All class withdrawals for any reason ON OR AFTER the first day of class will result in account credit only (see Account Credit Policy below). Refunds will not be issued, as a commitment to pay the instructor has already been made. 

Account Credit Policy:

All class withdrawals for any reason PRIOR to the first day of class may be converted into an equivalent dollar value credit toward a future class or classes. This includes any credit card fees assessed at initial purchase. 

All class withdrawals for any reason ON the first day of class and no later than the day of the SECOND class meeting will result in a credit that is worth 85% of the original listed class price.

No credit will be issued for withdrawals AFTER the second class meeting. 

Charge Dispute Policy:

If you wish to dispute anything related to credit card charges, refunds, or account credits, please email both Carol Jordan (cjordan@carnegiecenterlex.org) AND the Information Desk (info@carnegiecenterlex.org) to document your concern. You will hear back from the Carnegie Center as soon as we are able to gather the information needed to respond, typically within two to three business days.

Cancellation Policy:

The Carnegie Center reserves the right to cancel a workshop if minimum enrollment is not met. It is best to register early to help our instructors prepare and to ensure the class does not get cancelled. We evaluate registration numbers between 6 and 2 business days before a class starts to decide whether we can hold the class. Classes that do not meet minimum enrollment may be cancelled a minimum of two business days prior to the first class meeting. All participants will be notified by email and will receive full refunds.


Fee assistance is available for most classes. If you are in need of a scholarship, please call 859-254-4175, ext. 221 to request an application. Limit one scholarship per person per season.


Contact our registrar at (859) 254-4175 ext. 221 or INFO@CarnegieCenterLex.org.