The Carnegie Center empowers people to explore and express their voices through imaginative learning and the literary arts.
All Gifts Are Appreciated.
It’s quick and secure! By making a contribution to the Carnegie Center, you can make an impact that resounds through a person’s lifetime, improving their choices in life by giving the gift only learning can provide: opportunity. Your gift will touch children who are behind grade level in school. Adults who’d like to share their written life stories. Children and adults who request scholarships for programs with fees. Professionals seeking new jobs skills. People of all ages who attend free learning and arts events. Families who are learning together. At the Carnegie Center, people find joy in writing, reading, and learning new things. Contributions are tax-deductible. Documentation of your gift will be mailed upon receipt. The Carnegie Center is proud to be a Kentucky Nonprofit Best Practices Partner.
How You Can Make A Difference

Here’s how you can help: $500 covers the cost of 25 tutoring sessions (an academic year’s worth) for one child. $250 pays for one semester of tutoring for one child. $60 pays for three hours of tutoring.

A gift of stocks can make a substantial gift to the Carnegie Center without reducing the cash you have on hand. You will further benefit at tax time, as stocks are deductible at the fair market value.
Giving stocks is easy; contact Executive Director Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175 ext. 24 for details.
As you move toward making this gift, please consult your tax professional and/or your financial planner to assist you with this process.

If you’d like to split your contribution into smaller amounts to be given over the course of a year (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually) or over several years, making a pledge is the right choice for you.
The Carnegie Center makes this easy by sending you a friendly “Pledge Reminder” when the time comes to give your next amount. Through this method, donors benefit by making bold gifts they are comfortable giving while making an impact over the course of time. You’ll also receive tax benefits, deducting the total given toward your pledge each calendar year.
To learn more or to make your pledge of support, please contact Executive Director Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175 ext. 24

The Carnegie Center empowers people to explore and express their voices through imaginative learning and the literary arts, impacting the youngest to the oldest of learners. You can make a significant impact on the learners of the future by creating a bold gift through one of these planned gift options:
- Include The Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning in your will; bequest a designated gift or a percentage of your estate
- Give a gift of stocks in your will
- Name the Carnegie Center as an owner or beneficiary of your life insurance policy
- Name the Carnegie Center as a beneficiary of your retirement plan
- Make a gift of real estate, a car, or other personal property that could be liquidated or would benefit the center’s mission
- Create a charitable remainder trust
What would you like to do with your money that would be meaningful to you?
As you include the Carnegie Center in your planned giving, please consult your financial advisor, estate attorney, or other person who handles your financial matters to help you with this process.
Please contact Executive Director Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175 ext. 24 to discuss your planned gift.

Do you have a car, truck, van, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, dirt bike, tractor, boat, or trailer (running or not) that you’d like to donate? It’s easy and costs you nothing, and you could receive a tax-deduction at tax time.
Carnegie partners with another nonprofit called Vehicles for Charity to process your vehicle donation. Your vehicle will be picked up at your residence/business and sold at auction, with a large percentage of the sale going to the Carnegie Center. For full details, please read our flyer and/or contact Executive Director Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175 ext. 24.
Please consult your financial planner or tax professional for tax-related advice.

Ask your employer to match your gift! Some employers match gifts made by their employees. Contact the human resources department or the matching gift program officer at your work for details, and then contact the Carnegie Center’s Executive Director Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175 ext. 24.
Donate your new or gently used items. The Carnegie Center accepts books for children and adult (no textbooks, please), art/craft supplies, and other items that can be used to promote the Carnegie Center’s mission and goals. Computers can only be accepted if they are less than two years old and in fine working condition. Donations can be dropped off at the Carnegie Center’s front desk, where you can leave your contact information so that a tax letter can be mailed to you. Contact Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175, ext. 24 with questions about eligible item donations.
Donate your time. Volunteers are always welcome at the Carnegie Center. Though most volunteer opportunities are not tax-deductible, some are. Two examples are if your business provides free labor for a program (waiving the service charge) or if you instruct a workshop at the Carnegie Center and donate back your instructor stipend. Contact Jennifer Mattox at or (859) 254-4175, ext. 24 for more details.